Thursday, November 6, 2014

This Week at Nana's - The Dojo Show - Short Takes - Kid Snippets- Toasted Ravioli

Weather Update
November IS COLD!!!

The trees are changing into brilliant fall colors. 
The mornings are fresh and the days are chilly. Seriously, It's time to get out the winter coats, hats and mittens. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Whats Cooking?

This is the time of year, when we get a little crazy with pumpkins.I dehydrate pumpkin and use it to cook and make pumpkin chai tea mix. Cold weather and HOT CHAI LATTE really go together.

Oh yeah! Pumpkin, pumpkin pumpkin. Buhahaha!!!

 100 Pumpkin Recipes

Yes, I know you are not amused by my link to an endless supply of pumpkin recipes. But maybe someone out there has mounds of pumpkin to process. If I can help just one person then my link has been a success. LOL. Pumpkin Chai for everyone. Recipe here.

See a pumpkin cannon video HERE.

Good Cooking Tip:  
Club Soda: Make Your Breads Fluffier. When baking, where recipes call for water, add club soda instead to make pancakes, waffles and any other breads fluffier.

Toasted Ravioli

I'm serious. I just cant continue to bore people with my life. I know that you people could care less that I got up this morning and rolled out pizza ravioli to deep fry for easy freezer snacks. I know that...but here I am posting pics for you. The insanity of it all. Why, oh why must I torment you people. Recipe Here... feel free to cheat and buy frozen ravioli but fresh is the best.

I used my fancy ravioli gadget to make these delicious pockets of goodness. They freeze well and can be reheated in microwave or toaster oven. You can find ravioli presses online for under $20.00. The best kitchen investment you can make. This gadget will make you a superstar with family, friends and neighbors. 

Easy Ravioli Making with a Ravioli Plate
by John Mangiapane

Growing Vegetables Indoors

Is there anyone in the world that thinks growing edibles indoors is a bad idea?  Anybody can grow spinach, lettuce, sprouts, chives and herbs. Its simple and easy and I would love to see more people give it a try. Pictured here are some of my small containers that are growing greens. This could be a good indoor hobby for most people. 66 Things you can grow at home in containers.

Grow your salad in the kitchen

Growing Tip
Coffee Grounds: Fertilizer. Coffee is full of nutrients and vitamins that are very beneficial to soil. That’s why some people include it in compost piles. If you want to get the most out of your coffee, pour the grounds on areas where you want more grass or flowers.

Add some sprouts to your salad and pita pockets! Sprouts are very easy to grow. I rinse the sprouts and add fresh water every day as they grow. Here is a good growing sprouts video with happy music. Enjoy.

 How to grow bean sprouts

Fruits and veggies that grow weird

Outdoors Update
The big tree in the front yard has dropped it's leaves. Time to rake. A friend wants the leaves of this tree and claims that when the leaves are made into a tea it is very healing. I never heard of such a thing. Im not sure on that one. I will have to research this. TIME TO RAKE THE LEAVES.

Tending Pets

The pets are all doing great. They are cozy warm and well tended to. The above picture is Mauricio in his napping room. I noticed with the weather change the pets do not eat as much as they normally do. They are adorable. I have good pets...including Mean Missy. By the way, Skinny Ding Dongs (AKA Pedro the traitor) still comes to visit and fight with Missy. LOL. I heard Missy cat talking to him yesterday on the porch. I swear she was telling him, "You don't live here anymore!". If you have not heard cat talking it is most interesting

Housekeeping Made Easy

Tin Foil Ball: Replace Dryer Sheets Permanently. Instead of using a dryer sheet ball up one or a few sheets of tin foil and toss it in the dryer. It removes the static electricity from your clothes and one can last up to a year.

Easy Sewing

Make slippers out of a sweater. Click Here.

Sew fleece mittens.
Free mitten pattern

PC Technical Advice
I repair computers/monitors and I dabble in writing code C+, and website designing, Java Script, HTML, etc. I'm NOT an expert at all. However, when it comes to computers I will try to figure out most operating systems and their works. My best computer advice is to keep things simple on your PC. Don't overload your PC with programs that you seldom or never use. Never, ever download something without researching the program because of virus and non compatible reasons. Keep your PC protected and clean from malware daily.

Confession: I like Linux. LOL. I also really enjoy Sci-fi. :)

My favorite computer programs that help maintain a PC system.

CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your PC.
It protects your privacy and makes your computer faster and more secure!
Free software. Use it everyday!

CleanUp! 4.5.2 Download 

How to clear the Firefox cache.
This is a good thing to know if you use the Firefox browser. Click here.

My favorite new to me PC search engine.
The search engine that doesn't track you.

My favorite homepage.
I like this page and the Grands like it too.

My Operating System
I use WUBI on each PC that I have, as I like to not fully depend on Windows as an operating system. I like Ubuntu.

Sharing one of my bookmarks-
700 Free Movies Online

Amusing Tech Project for Smartphone Holders 

Remember to download the app from Google cardboard.
Weird videos I watch on the Internet

The Dojo Show Videos. I watch online...because they were made in Albuquerque, New Mexico and they make me laugh.

The Hero Movie. One Take Movies
Homemade Hollywood blockbusters (all in one take).

Kid Snippets

Kung Fu Fighting Drills

The Hero Movie

Star Wars Cantina
(Makes me laugh every time).

People are Cookoo

Hallucinogen Honey Hunters

People are amazingly crazy!

Check out this prank video.