Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer Time

"Its A New Day. Expect Great Things".


Finally, the air conditioning is set and working. Next year, the house will need a new a/c unit. Let's hope this one makes it through the summer. Its a cloudy overcast kinda day and not much has changed weather wise. I have a feeling that hot weather is headed my way. The a/c is running and the house is very cool. Just the way I like it.

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Outdoors Yard Updates

The front and back yard are looking okay and just received a weeding and mowing. Yard work is not much fun. LOL.

Image result for yard workSadly to inform but Im not growing an outdoors garden this year and Im very nervous about this decision. I think that I will have a huge meltdown come July with no garden and  no vegetables to harvest. Its going to be very hard to not have a garden project. The plan is to have more time this summer to get out there and enjoy the great outdoors by camping, hiking, biking and what ever comes my way.

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This past weekend, my neighbor Chuck had a big noisy BBQ at his house. He invited and that was very nice of him. I guess if you are going to have a noisy party then it is best to invite your neighbor. I never heard such screaming and laughing done by adults in my life. I think his party was a success. In reference to Chuck, I can now see into his back yard when I come out of the camper. I was never tall enough to see over the fence to look at his back yard and neither did I have the urge to get a ladder out to see his back yard. Any ways, Chuck's yard is very nice. Im going to get a picture for you to see. By the way, the camper is coming together and I have been working to get it set up for camping. I got new sheets, comforters and towels. I just need to get some kitchen camper dishes. Im really looking forward to cooking in that tiny camper kitchen. FYI... I did install a new computer in the camper. you know. Just in case it rains. LOL

 Good Neighbors with Dogs

The neighbor's little yapping dogs in the back yard have dwindled in size. I think they gave a couple pups away. They are still noisy but so cute. Its quit the event when I go to the back yard to pick the mulberries. Lots of barking and me trying to talk nice to them to hush them up. Just like most people...they do not listen to me. LOL. The mulberry collecting is going very well and I hope to make a good batch of mulberry jam soon. Jam with bagels or toast. Delicious. I must be hungry. LOL. Mmmm toast. LOL.

That's Amusing:
Unfair Dreams

One of the most unfair things in my life is trying to get a good nights sleep only to spend my sleep in dream mode of me working all night! There in my dream is a former employer standing over me, watching me as I do all the work and he is so happy that Im there in this dream doing all the work! Dream working sucks. LOL. 

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Image result for cats and roostersMean Missy has been seen leaving Henry's yard! Just the other day, I specifically had a talk with her and asked her not to cross the street and to stay out of Henry's yard. Henry's roosters must not frighten her. Actually, I dont think anything frightens Missy. She is a very mean cat. Poor Henry's roosters. I hope she is not trying to catch a rooster dinner. That would be awful.
Image result for grey cat with clipped ear

Sharing Bookmarks 

RV Decorating Ideas on Pinterest.
 Tiny House Video

Wax Bottles

 Weird Videos 

 Pokemon In Real Life!
Sorry about the curse words. :(

 Interesting. Very Interesting.

Oil Barrel + Garden Pump = Home build Jet ski

This weekend, I pre-made meals because I have been busy with projects and Im not finding time during the day to cook. Me and about half a million others have this issue. Right? LOL. Anyways, I got busy in the kitchen. I rolled out the tortillas and pita bread. I made the hummus and baked the falafels. I diced the veggies consisting of lettuce, onions and tomatoes. I made the  (tofu) PASOLE, which is a traditional New Mexican red chile soup with hominy. I made the pot stickers and the oriental rice dishes with veggies and soy sauce. I made the spaghetti squash with marinara sauce and faux cheese topping. Lastly, for brunch, I made the tofu scramble, hash browns, and red chile sauce. Opps, almost forgot, I made cinnamon waffles. I was very busy with one afternoon of cooking. It should be a very good low fat eating week. Recipes found here.

Baked Falafel in Fresh Baked Pita

Good meal ideas that will help you to stay healthy. 
 Image result for dr. mcdougall before and after
Excellent Dr. Mc Dougall recipes.

Image result for i love baked potatoes with faux cheesevegan cheese 3
I love baked potatoes with no butter or cheese. Dont eat your potato with fattening butter or sour cream or dairy cheese. I use faux cheese on my baked potato with broccoli and onions. Its delicious. See recipe in my Nana's Top Recipes Link.

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Going Back In Time